Giving Back

Smiles For Life


Louisville Dental Associates participates every March through June where proceeds from these treatments contribute to the Smile for Life foundation. Through a unique partnership, 100% of the cost of Professional Teeth Whitening is contributed directly to the Smiles for Life Foundation and a local children's charity of our choosing.

Adopt A Smile

Louisville Dental Associates, participates in the Adopt a Smile program through The Boulder County School District.  This is a program through BVSD (Boulder Valley School District) where Each Dr. “adopts” a student each year to do all of their dental work at no charge.

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Giving Tree: Imagine!

Giving Tree: Imagine! Is a program for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Each holiday season we hold a gift tree in our office where patients and the community can take a name of one of those individuals and donate a Christmas gift.

Adopt an Athlete

Louisville Dental Associates participaites in the Adopt an Athlete program through the Smiles for Life Foundation/Crown Council.

An unfortunate fact is that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) face several barriers that prevent them from accessing oral healthcare services. With approximately 7 million people with IDD in the US, this is simply unacceptable. Therefore in the spirit of the Olympics games, the Smiles for Life Foundation/Crown Council and the Special Olympics will be embarking on a new journey to provide resources, education, and access to oral healthcare services, to those that need it the most. Go for the Gold and join us in this movement!

Louisville Colorado dentists